Adriana felt like an outsider for years, but energy medicine helped her live her truth and stand in her power.
Adriana* is an extremely pleasant and conscientious woman who deeply cherishes family and relationships. She originally came to the office for a chronic pain issue, but along with that she was experiencing emotional distress. She expressed feelings of insignificance and unworthiness, and appeared shy and withdrawn. Adriana stated she was having bouts of anxiety and some depression.
Like most of us, Adriana’s very busy. A loving mother and wife, she works full time in a corporate marketing department plus accepts side jobs for extra income. In spite of being an integral part of a team at her primary job, she has felt like an outsider for years, because her temperament is very different from the people she works with. She expressed feelings of being undervalued and taken for granted at work.As an energy medicine practitioner, talk therapy is not within my scope of practice, so when a client expresses emotional issues, the energy body is assessed for imbalances that could be addressed. Adriana has evolved since that first session, and credits energy medicine for helping her.
But since she’s been using the Trinfinity8 she reports that this process has been accelerated. She has now gained a deep understanding of her personal motives. Benefitting from this new clarity, she recognizes the value of using her own very conscientious core beliefs to guide her actions, which makes negative perceptions held by others of little consequence. She’s simply not affected by them like she was in the past.
In living her truth, she has come into her own power.
In spite of being an integral part of a team at her primary job, she has felt like an outsider for years, because her temperament is very different from the people she works with. She expressed feelings of being undervalued and taken for granted at work.
Over the past few months she’s experienced ten sessions of the Trinfinity8 emotional release protocol. This protocol uses algorithms for releasing oppression and uncovering subconscious feelings held in the client’s energy field. The intensity is increased over time.
Since her time is limited, only one session was done in person. The energetic nature of the technology makes remote sessions possible, similar to the way sound waves can get picked up by a radio. Clients have the option to have any combination of in-person or remote sessions, making it convenient for busy people, and those who don’t live near the office.

Adriana feels that Trinfinity8 sessions have helped her see her true worth. She is now standing up for herself in ways she never would have before, while remaining calm and respectful with others. She is able to speak her truth and stand in her power without the anger, frustration and tears that used to be the norm.
In her own words: “I think all the healing work has been so instrumental in helping me climb out and through all of the obstacles. I feel like I truly can shine out with who I am in a way I don’t remember ever feeling. Maybe as a child??”
As she learns to use this inner strength, different opportunities are opening up for her. She is now in the process of interviewing for new positions that are more in alignment with her interests. And, for the first time in her life, she’s not afraid to ask for the salary fitting of her education, skill level and experience.
* The name has been changed for client’s privacy.